BSG in Media
Articles Written

From the theatre to the Office | What is Applied Improvisation and why is it the answer to VUCA? (
April, 2024
VUCA is a business concept encompassing four pressing challenges: volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. It results from an unrelenting case of “too much change in too short a time,” as Alvin Toffler presciently wrote in Future Shock. In this new normal where traditional methods for solving challenges no longer apply, the unpredictability of modern crises means that planning for all of them is impossible. HR professionals now also face these four unique challenges daily. Market volatility requires a flexible talent strategy to establish new skills to remain competitive.

HR’s Secret Weapon for Leadership and Staff Improvement (
April, 2024
Today’s business leaders are a far cry from those of decades past. Tasked with keeping pace with an unprecedented rate of societal and generational change, they must rapidly adapt to evolving executive performance expectations. Established metrics still apply, but reaching HR goals requires far more nuance than before, as cutthroat personnel tactics are no longer culturally acceptable. Those in positions of power face unprecedented public pressure to express empathy and compassion, to practice transparency, to make staff feel relaxed and to keep communication channels open. HR professionals now also face these four unique challenges daily.

Using Improv to Improve Remote Work Training Industry (
March, 2024
Remote work has transformed the relationship between professional staff and the companies that employ them. By skipping long commutes and opting for in-home offices, professional staff report enjoying more time with loved ones and a better work-life balance. In terms of financial benefits, Global Workplace Analytics reports that those working even in hybrid environments save up to $4,000 in commuting and related costs and can keep even more of their paychecks if they can relocate to less expensive areas.

Ready, AIM, Improv Association for Talent Development (
March, 2024
Thousands of years before the creation of the first written language, humans harnessed the power of improvisation to tell stories, communicate culture, and address challenges. In the ensuing centuries, people improvised to express their creativity and imagination, often for comedic purposes in theatrical settings. In the 20th century, improv philosophies once exclusive to the stage moved firmly into business, humanitarian, and psychosocial practice. Educators such as Viola Spolin and Keith Johnstone laid the groundwork for that significant shift, creating a conceptual foundation for thinking beyond entertainment and using improv’s core principles to increase management capability.

Reducing work stress with applied improvisation SmartBrief (
November, 2023
It’s called a silent killer for a reason. Researchers at the Stanford Graduate School of Business have concluded that 120,000 Americans die each year from work-related stress. Professional staff are increasingly feeling overwhelmed, with OSHA reporting that not only do 83% of US workers suffer from work-related stress, but 54% of workers find that it impacts their home life, as well. This mental tension increases aggression and reduces the quality of sleep, leading to a myriad of cardiovascular conditions and psychological disorders.

HR’s Role In Organizational Success, The Role Of Applied Improvisation (
June, 2023
Everyone aspires to have a seat at the table, but no one feels this more acutely than an HR professional. For decades, many organizations’ view of HR has often been scornful; executives see them as a necessary evil, superfluous, unessential, and redundant rather than critical to the organization. This assessment, however unfair, is a bit self-inflicted. There are countless HR units that perform necessary—but not strategic— administrative functions. Transforming the reputation and purpose of HR units lies with HR leaders, who must be realistic about their value to each business unit in their organization.

Why Improvisation is the Quickest Training Tool I Know Training Magazine (
May, 2023
Prior to the pandemic, I did a one-hour session on communication with a group of project managers who work for a major pharmaceutical company. They, like many others, weren’t sure what they were getting themselves into. They left, saying: “In one hour, I learned communication tools that I could take back to my team and apply the next day.” BAM!! As a long-time instructional designer, e-learning professional, and facilitator, I have been conducting some form of adult learning for more years than I care to mention.

Improvising solutions to the quiet quitting movement
Talent Management (
March, 2023
The message being sent to executives around the country is loud and clear: the U.S. workforce has had enough. A recent Gallup poll found that at least half of the workforce is comprised of “quiet quitters” who mentally check out after completing the core requirements of their position. By virtue of the movement gaining traction on social media platforms, Millennials and Gen Zers have emerged as the faces of the movement despite its prevalence among all age groups.

Boston Strategy Group (BSG) Is Enhancing Business Performance with Applied Improvisation StartUp to Follow (
February, 2023
BSG is an organizational development firm that designs and delivers Applied Improvisation (AIM) programs for corporations, healthcare institutions, and universities. The firm seeks to strengthen the leadership, collaboration, and communication skills of professional staff, managers, and senior executives through enlightening workshops tailored to specific organizational needs.

Reengaging Employees to Improve Performance
Training Industry (
December, 2022
Many employees feel overworked and overburdened while being underpaid and underappreciated. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought awareness to challenges in our business world. More and more employees are feeling distant from their work, without the proper leadership and skills to advance in their roles. This is unsurprising given the societal upheaval in the past few years, including the pressures of political and social divisions to the ongoing work challenges spurred by a global pandemic.

We improvised remote work – now we need to enhance it
March 8 (
December, 2022
Remote and Hybrid work structures have taken off, but data shows that there is a large gender gap when it comes to remote work preferences. While women prefer the remote environment more often than men, it also appears that women can be interrupted much more on professional communication tools like Zoom and Teams. Applied Improvisation, which ingrains collaboration into its practice, can be a great solution to conversational inequality. Download the article to read more about how AIM can ensure that more women in the workplace are both heard and valued.

Leadership and Planning in an Ambiguous World
Supply Chain Management Review (
November, 2022
The accelerating pace of business change requires executives to no longer rely solely on formal business planning. With stability being a thing of the past, navigating this new world clouded by ambiguity requires an innovative approach to crisis planning leadership. Through the adoption of the values and principles that AIM is based on, business executives will enhance their abilities to embrace uncertainty and react accordingly to unforeseen situations. In doing so, executives will reshape their approach to leadership to effectively address modern challenges and ready themselves for the next unavoidable crisis.

Improvisation – a key skill for the 21st century leader
Training Journal (
September, 2022
Almost every human resource executive today is besieged by the accelerating pace of the work environment. And all levels of management are increasingly burdened with steering their companies through these confusing and uncharted waters following the pandemic storm. Training perspectives, strategies, approaches, and schemes have all been upended. Enhancing leadership and management competency in a new, hybrid, or remote work environment is essential to business success.

Retaining Employees Through Applied Improvisation
CEO World Magazine (
February, 2022
In response to a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic that forever disrupted the U.S. economy, professional staff in all sectors abandoned their positions at historic rates. Despite bonuses and various incentives, companies at all levels have struggled to retain exemplary staff, resulting in reduced productivity and heavy financial losses. Professional staff are looking for opportunities for growth and to develop their skills, and these desires can be fulfilled when an organization implements applied improvisation techniques at the top. By using AIM programs to improve leadership, build camaraderie, boost employee esteem, improve remote work, and reduce personal stress, organizations will be better suited to retaining valued individuals.

Theodore Klein On The Labor Shortage & The 5 Things We Must Do To Attract & Retain Great Talent
Authority Magazine (
February, 2022

Leaders, Are You Ready To Take The Creative Leap Into The Future?
Leadership Excellence Magazine (
December, 2021
The leaders of today have the unenviable task of adapting to a world that looks remarkably different than it did even just a few years ago. Innovative leadership is a necessity for navigating a challenging landscape that is being shaped by technological advances, social justice causes, and a worldwide healthcare calamity. Inspiring today’s leaders to embrace new management techniques can be as simple as harnessing the scientifically-proven benefits of AIM programs to build interrelationships and encourage staff to collaborate, communicate, and adapt in the moment.