
Evaluation Framework and Metrics
We design our programs to achieve well-defined business and management objectives. Each program is measured against various metrics to determine if we have accomplished these goals and provided client value. In addition to anecdotal perspectives, we measure value in objective and subjective categories such as formal test scores, management, and self-assessments. We have created a large library of evaluation questions that can be utilized by clients to assess the effectiveness of our programs.
During our proposal preparation, we discuss precisely what a client wishes to achieve, what evaluative methods they currently deploy, and their corporate, HR, and participant goals for the program. A preliminary evaluative framework is created and utilized to determine program success and value. At its core, we measure participant perspectives and evaluate instructor and program effectiveness.
In many cases, our evaluation framework is integrated with existing client technology platforms. This enables participants to use their cellular or laptop devices to quickly and easily evaluate programs immediately after participating.

Pre-Program Assessment /Post Program Assessment
To measure an individual’s competency shift, we ask all participants to self-assess their personal management skills, behaviors, capabilities, and understanding of interpersonal communication style. After completing the program, participants repeat an identical survey of their individual assessment. We then quickly compare whether a perspective shift occurred and promptly determine if participants felt that the program was of value.

Program Evaluation
Each participant can evaluate the program’s objectives, lesson plan, activities, and the program as a whole to determine its effectiveness at meeting learning objectives. Program evaluation often assesses whether participants find the program worthy of their time; provides career and other business benefits; enhances their management, leadership, or other skills; and whether they see the program as memorable, impactful, and worthy of recommending to others.
In addition, clients have the opportunity to consider, suggest, and add any evaluation criteria.

Instructor Evaluation
Each participant is afforded the opportunity to evaluate the instructor’s performance using standardized learning and educational measures. Instructors can be evaluated on their content knowledge and abilities to teach, deliver, focus, answer questions, and achieve the program objective, among many others. In many cases, we utilize a client’s existing metrics and technologies for instructor evaluation based on work already completed by their internal Human Resources or Learning and Development teams.